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Roper Rhodes
Brochure Re-Design

Re-Design the company flagship brochure which involved an analysis of how the brochure is currently used by retailers and end consumers.

Key objectives

Design a brochure which has a prestigious look and feel and better fitting for the high ticket items listed in the offering.

Consider the user journey for the different categories, ensure the brochure can service both retailer and end consumer requirements, good balance of technical product information and desirable photography.

Showcase the product detail and highlight the USP of the Roper Rhodes design details in the product, making them unique to Roper Rhodes.

Provided Art direction and lead the design proposals, pitching at board level. Working with printers to identify the best material to help give the brochure the quality and prestigious feel the brand desires.

332 Page Brochure

Off Set web printing 
excess of 50,000 copies

Adobe Photoshop
Abode Illustrator
Adobe InDesign

Example of the brochure initial research & analysis document
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